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view data 【計算機】 視傳系統,視頻信號傳輸系統〔把電視機和電腦數...

A software to process modis data is made in vc + + 6 . 0 development environment based on the hdf4 library and the general cartographic transformation package ( gctp ) . from which users can extract earth view data of different band or resolution and other ancillary data according to users “ demand . it supports most current projection types and can transform projection coordinates forwardly or inversely and can calculate ndvi and evi 利用vc + + 6 . 0面向對象開發環境,以hdf4庫和gctp投影軟件包為基礎,編寫了modis數據處理軟件,可根據用戶需要提取不同波段和分辨率的對地觀測數據以及各種輔助數據,支持目前通用的大部分投影方式,可對投影坐標做正向和逆向變換,能計算ndvi和evi數值等等。

view finder

A software to process modis data is made in vc + + 6 . 0 development environment based on the hdf4 library and the general cartographic transformation package ( gctp ) . from which users can extract earth view data of different band or resolution and other ancillary data according to users “ demand . it supports most current projection types and can transform projection coordinates forwardly or inversely and can calculate ndvi and evi 利用vc + + 6 . 0面向對象開發環境,以hdf4庫和gctp投影軟件包為基礎,編寫了modis數據處理軟件,可根據用戶需要提取不同波段和分辨率的對地觀測數據以及各種輔助數據,支持目前通用的大部分投影方式,可對投影坐標做正向和逆向變換,能計算ndvi和evi數值等等。

Analyze necessary data information constituting assembly tree view and comprehend the representation rules of those data information in iges files . according to these rules , the nodes of parts and assemblies are defined . to avoid the data redundance and insure the data integrity , the corresponding rules of getting the assembly tree view data are established 分析構成裝配樹視圖的必要數據信息,掌握iges文件中這些數據信息的存在規律,據此定義零件結點和裝配體結點,為了避免數據冗余,同時保證數據的完整性,制定相應的數據提取規則,進行裝配樹視圖的數據提取,建立起正確且完整的裝配樹視圖。

Used with microsoft internet explorer version 5 . 01 or later , office web components allow you to view a published control spreadsheet , chart , or database on a web page and to view data access pages 使用microsoft internet explorer 5 . 01或更高版本, office web components可用于查看在網頁中發布的控件電子表格圖表或數據庫以及數據訪問頁。

The ability to view data between data flow components makes it easier to identify unexpected data values , view the way a transformation changes column values , and discover the reason that a transformation fails 在數據流組件間查看數據的能力,使得確定異常數據值、查看轉換更改列值的方式以及發現轉換失敗的原因變得更加簡單。

Catalog view that maintains the relationship between the table , index , or the indexed view data stored in a partition and the allocation units used to manage the data within the partition 之間具有一對一的映射,用于維護分區中存儲的表、索引或索引視圖數據與用來管理分區內數據的分配單元之間的關系。

After authenticating a user , analysis services next determines whether the user has permissions to view data , update data , view metadata , or perform administrative tasks 對用戶進行了身份驗證之后, analysis services接下來確定該用戶是否具有查看數據、更新數據、查看元數據或執行管理任務的權限。

Applications can specify that a transaction use the row versions to view data as it existed at the start of the transaction or query instead of protecting all reads with locks 應用程序可以指定事務使用行版本查看事務或查詢開始時存在的數據,而不是使用鎖保護所有讀取。

Can view data such as hidden directory locations or granted permissions and use the data to exploit a security vulnerability on the computer 被授予了此securitypermission的惡意調用方可以查看隱藏目錄位置或授予的權限等數據,并使用這些數據攻擊計算機的安全漏洞。

Cardholders can view data on the card through smart identity card readers installed at immigration self - service kiosks after their identities have been authenticated 持證人可于入境事務處自助服務站的智能身份證閱讀機(經核實身份后)檢視身份證上儲存的資料。

Documents the public notification services views , which you can use to view data and to submit some event , subscriber , and subscription data 描述了公共notification services視圖,這些視圖可用于查看數據以及提交某些事件、訂閱方和訂閱數據。

Additional functionality such as column sorting , freezing , and reordering enable users to view data in the way most convenient for their workflow 其他功能(例如列排序、凍結和重新排序)使用戶能夠以最適合于其工作流的方式來查看數據。

In lotus domino 7 . 0 , you can use both db2 databases and domino databases , accessing and viewing data stored in either format 這意味著可以使用db2數據庫和domino數據庫運行lotus domino 7 . 0 ,訪問和查看使用以上任何一種格式存儲的數據。

How to : view data conflicts for transactional publications with queued updating subscriptions sql server management studio 如何查看包含排隊更新訂閱的事務性發布的數據沖突( sql server management studio )

Card holders can view data on the card through immigration self - service kiosks after their identities have been authenticated 持證人可于入境事務處自助服務站(經核實身份后)檢視身份證上儲存的資料。

It shows the relationship between jsps and servlets , session and entity ejbs , and key and view data transfer objects 它說明了jsp和servlet ,會話和實體ejb ,以及key和視圖數據轉換對象之間的聯系:

How a user views data should not change when the logical structure ( tables structure ) of the database changes 當數據庫的邏輯結構(表結構)發生變化的時候,用戶的視圖數據不應該變化。

This feature allows you to use both db2 and domino databases , accessing and viewing data stored in either format 該功能允許使用db2和domino數據庫,訪問和查看以兩種格式存儲的數據。

Measurement of x - radiation from raster - scanned direct - view data display cathode ray tubes , recommended practice for 光柵掃描直觀式數據顯示陰極射線管中x射線測量的推薦實施規程